Saturday, January 31, 2009

I heart you valentine

This is available as a valentine greeting card at Greeting Card Universe, and as a T-shirt, mug, or apron at Zazzle.

Artist and nude model cartoon

Here's one I just uploaded to Zazzle, where you can buy it as a mug, a t-shirt, or a greeting card.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Knitting is knirvana cartoon

Any knitters out there?  You can buy this as a T-shirt, bumpersticker, or mug at Zazzle, or as a greeting card at Greeting Card Universe.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Valentine, efficiency expert, alphabet soup cartoon

I remind you that everything I post here is available as a T-shirt, mug, etc. at Zazzle, and usually as a greeting card at Greeting Card Universe.  I upload them there as I upload them here, so there might be a delay on the other sites.


I've done some Valentine stuff here.  These are available at Zazzle as greeting cards, cups, t-shirts, buttons, etc.  Also at Greeting Card Universe.  Basically, all my new stuff can be found in various forms at Zazzle, and anything of mine you want done up for purchase as a t-shirt or whatever, just e-mail me and I'll arrange it.

Friday, January 2, 2009

IRS cartoon, judge cartoon

A lot of my cartoons have political (or at least social) meaning, like these two, but I have another blog for my overtly political cartoons HERE.  They tend to be more topical and partisan.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

First post

Some people are saying they like my stuff, but my main cartoon blog is too political.  That's understandable.  So I started this blog, where the cartoons are not political.  Enjoy.  Comments welcome.